On This Date in Nativity History

11 September 2001

On this date, September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon.  The attacks shook Nativity as they did all Americans, but for many of us the losses were personal, as we lost three parishioners when American Airlines Flight 77 was crashed into the Pentagon. 

(The following paragraph is adapted from the Facebook post of parishioner Jim McDaniel, printed here with our thanks.) 

” On the evening of September 11, 2001, Nativity parishioners and friends packed the church for a Mass of Peace and Justice.  The shock of that morning’s tragedy registered on people’s faces and in their hearts.  Our proximity to the Pentagon meant that we felt the impact of the attack on that building with special force.  Three Nativity parishioners lost their lives in the building (photos below.)  Many of us had co-workers who lost loved ones in the attack.  In his homily, Fr. Martin said, “If we are here to find the answers to this evil deed, we will not get them, but we are in the right place to receive the comfort and peace that we all need.”  Fr. Martin went on to say, “What happened was the result of evil people, and evil people are not confined to any one religion.”  Fr. Martin ended his September 11th homily with a call for Justice.  He said, “As a united country, all of us from many different religions pray that justice will be accomplished.  As we offer our prayers to the God of compassion, let us never forget that LOVE IS STRONGER THAN HATE.”

Charles E. (Chuck) Sabin, left, was 54 years old, a civilian employee of the Defense Department, and an avid collector of antique rifles and sabers.  Rosemary Chapa, center, was 63 years old, an employee of the Defense Intelligence Agency, a mother and grandmother, and was only a few months away from retirement.  Patricia E. (Patti) Mickley, right, was 41 years old, a civilian employee of the Defense Department; she had just begun as an assistant catechist (eighth grade) in Nativity’s CCD program.  Her first day teaching was on Sunday, September 9, only two days before the attack. Her daughter, Marie, was in the CCD kindergarten class.

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