Catechism in a Year | Completion Celebration!

Did you complete the Catechism in a Year (CIY) 2023?  We want to celebrate with you!  All adults who completed the CIY are invited to join this fellowship event hosted by the Marriage Enrichment Ministry.

On January 1, 2023, Fr. Mike Schmitz started the Catechism in a Year (CIY).  The MEM hosted meetings every quarter to reflect on the Catechism, open to all adults in the parish (not just those engaged or married).

CIY Completion Celebration

All adults who completed the Catechism in a Year are invited to join this fellowship event!  Join Fr. Bresnahan for dinner in the school art room at 7:00 pm.  Is it a nugget day or a whole chicken day? Perhaps both will be served, come and find out!

When: Wednesday, January 24 | 7:oo pm
Where: Nativity School Art Room

Please RSVP below if you’d like to attend to ensure we have enough food for everyone.


The Catechism in a Year

Reading the Catechism is essential for Catholics who want to:

    • Understand the fundamental truths that make up our Catholic Faith
    • See how Church teaching is rooted in Sacred Scripture
    • Absorb over 2,000 years of Sacred Tradition
    • Encounter God’s plan of sheer goodness
    • Transform their relationship with the Church that Christ founded


If you have any questions, please contact

Anna Lisa Licud
Marriage Enrichment Ministry Coordinator


This event has passed.

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