College-Aged Parishioners

Our pastor, Fr. Bob, invites our college aged parishioners to get connected both with our parish and with a college community. We’ve now established a relationship with GMU CCM and invite local young adults between the ages 18-22 to join their already active and thriving campus ministry community. No matter what school you attend or if you’re not attending school, you’re welcome to participate in GMU’s events! In addition, there are many ways where college-age students can participate at Nativity Parish. There is a place for you here. 


Mission Trip: July 8-12, 2024

In conversation with Fr. Bob, we’ve decided that this year is a good opportunity to visit our newest parish partnership in El Colirio, Honduras, through Operation Starfish. We’ll immerse ourselves in their culture and history and learn from their life experiences.

This will be our first mission trip experience since 2019 and will be open to young adults and college-age parishioners. We are in the very beginning stages of planning this trip and more details will be available later in January. 

If you already know you’re interested in learning more about this opportunity, email Alison Fram ( 

Learn more

Get involved at CCM

Encounter — Catholic Campus Ministry

GMU Catholic Campus Ministry invites all college-age students to get involved for dinner, fellowship, prayer & formation!

Their Mission is to form students into men and women fully alive in Christ through relational ministry, spiritual formation, works of mercy, and commitment to lifelong mission.

If you are interested in getting involved, please contact the chaplain at George Mason University, Father Farrell, at

St. Robert Bellarmine Chapel

4515 Roberts Road, Fairfax, VA 22032

Follow them on Instagram @catholic.patriot

Register for Weekly Newsletters

Find Your Community at Nativity

If you’re staying here this Fall, it would be fun to have you participate in these great  opportunities right here at Nativity.

Volunteer weekly with the kids at Religious Ed

Volunteer with SPRED, a program for children (K-8) who are developmentally disabled

Become a CYO basketball coach

Women’s Bible study with Walking with Purpose

Men’s program with That Man Is You


Rosaries in College Colors

Nativity Rosary Ministry is partnering with the College Ministry to provide you a free Rosary in your college colors.  People from Nativity make them by hand just for you!

If you are interested in a Rosary, please send your name, college, and colors to Alison Fram at

What a great way to take the Blessed Mother with you to college!

Meet our Young Adult & Family Ministry Director

Hi, my name is Alison Fram! I was born and raised in Burke (rare, I know) and attended Nativity growing up. I joined a FOCUS bible study at Mount St. Mary’s University that helped me grow in a personal relationship with God, and I hope to help our college-age students find a similar supportive community. I’d love to meet you soon!

Email me at:

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