Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit.
Dear parents,
I am sure you will agree with me that the birth of every child is a miracle! Each is precious!
St. Pope John Paul II said “every child is a unique and unrepeatable gift of God.“ (Oct. 1979, Mass on the Mall , Washington DC)
Thank you for generously welcoming your child into your family and bringing your precious child to Jesus through the powerful waters of baptism. Along with other essential gifts such as food, clothing, shelter, your time, sleep and sacrifices, you are giving to them the gift of faith.
The Nativity Community rejoices with you in this grace filled moment as you prepare for the celebration of the baptism of your child and into the future as we journey together as disciples of Jesus Christ. We welcome these little ones as our newest Christians and members of the Catholic Church.
Love and blessings
Fr. Bob. Cilinski
Congratulations on the birth of your child! The Sacrament of Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, and we look forward to helping you schedule this sacrament for your family. Our group Baptisms are held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 2:30 pm in the Church.
Step 1: Gather Paperwork
To schedule a Baptism, please first gather the following paperwork
Step 2: Fill out the Nativity Baptism Application
You have two options:
Step 3: Nativity Schedules the Baptism Date
After all the paperwork and application are received, our Baptismal Coordinator will contact you review and confirm the date of Baptism.
Godparents plays a pivotal role in a child’s life. Prayerfully select one or two Catholic godparents. If selecting two godparents, one must be male and the other female.
Please review the Godparent Requirements to finalize your choice. Catholic godparents will have to provide a Certificate of Eligibility from their parish indicating that they meet those requirements. If your godparent(s) are registered parishioners here at Nativity, they do not need a certificate of eligibility since we have their information.
Godparent InformationThis Baptism Prep is for first time parents. We also welcome Godparents. We want to help you grow in your own understanding of this special Sacrament.
Currently, Baptism Prep alternates every month from virtual to in-person gatherings, where you will meet 4-5 other couples like you who are trying to raise a family and also include faith in family life. We look forward to helping to connect you to the parish through this process. You can register below for our one-time gathering that will last 1.5 hours.
Baptism Prep RegistrationWhen you arrive at Nativity for the Baptism:
We are happy to help you with this process! If you have any questions, please contact
Anna Marty
Baptism Coordinator
(703) 455-2400
Anna’s Parish Office Hours
Monday—Wednesday, 9:00 am—4:00 pm
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