The sacrament of Confirmation is a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the candidate to strengthen their baptismal vocation and to awaken the gifts necessary for active participation in the life of the Church. In the scriptures, the Holy Spirit bestowed upon the apostles the gift of courage: to tell the Good News, to share the faith, to boldly proclaim the “mighty deeds of God who has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light”. Confirmation enriches the baptized with the strength of the Holy Spirit so that they can better witness to Christ in word and deed.
Religious Education OfficeAt Nativity, the Sacrament of Confirmation is a two year program that starts in 7th Grade and concludes in the spring of the 8th grade year. However, the preparation process includes all of one’s religious education and formation for many years prior to 8th grade. We offer a dynamic program that includes service projects, a retreat, confirmation name selection, and reconciliation.
In order to register, we must have the child’s baptismal certificate on file.
If you have a child who has not been baptized, is older than 2nd grade and has not received his or her first Holy Communion, or is older than 8th grade and has not been confirmed, please contact us make the appropriate arrangements.
RegisterTo receive Confirmation the candidate must be in a state of grace. Reconciliation will be offered in order to be cleansed for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Reconciliation for confirmation candidates will be scheduled as part of the confirmation preparation.
Reconciliation Schedule“…it is for the sponsor to see that the confirmed person acts as a true witness to Christ and faithfully fulfills the obligations connected with this Sacrament.”
Canon892-Code of Canon Law
Choosing a sponsor is an important step in your faith journey, please keep the following requirements in mind:
Adults (ages 18 and older) who are interested in being confirmed or just want to learn more about the Catholic Faith are welcome to attend RCIA classes.
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