Walking with Purpose is a Catholic Women’s Bible study that aims to bring women to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We offer personal study and small group discussion that link our everyday challenges and struggles with solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church.
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If you have questions, please email us at wwpnativity@gmail.com.
The Starting Point and our foundational Bible study, we encourage all participants new to Walking with Purpose to begin here, regardless of previous experience with Bible study. This Bible study is an incredibly effective guide to deep, lasting transformation of the heart. Join us as we explore the core questions that we need to wrestle with if we want to experience all that God has for us. This class is intended for new participants.
When: Wednesday Evenings (starting September 18) | 7:00–9:00 pm
Where: Nativity
Order Book: Upon completion of registration, please order your Opening Your Heart book
Study is FULL. Registration Closed.
Passionate Discipleship (9 weeks, in September) is a Bible study focused on equipping women to know Christ and to make Him known. We will study 2 Timothy. Rooted and Radiant (6 weeks, in late January) studies the book of Colossians verse by verse. We will seek to understand the challenges that faced the Colossians, recognizing that they are remarkably similar to our own challenges today. Registration will be for the full 15 weeks and require both books.
When: Wednesday Evenings (starting September 18) | 7:00–9:00 pm
Where: Nativity
Order Book: Upon completion of registration, please order your and books Passionate Discipleship and Rooted and Radiant.
Beholding His Glory (9-weeks) shows us how all Scripture points us to our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. We’ll learn to recognize and appreciate God’s plan for our own lives, His awe-inspiring majesty, and His desire for personal intimacy with each one of us. Beholding Your King (9-weeks) is the second part of a two-part Beholding series. We’ll study King David, select psalms, the temple, and many Old Testament prophets and see the ways in which they all point to the coming King of Kings, Jesus Christ. Registration will be for the full 18 weeks and require both books.
When: Wednesday Mornings (starting September 25) | 9:30–11:30 am
Where: Nativity
Order Book: Upon completion of registration, please order your Beholding His Glory and Beholding Your King books.
Childcare: Childcare is available on Wednesday mornings but has limited space. Upon registration, please let us know if you are interested in childcare and we will connect with you directly. Childcare age is 1 year and older, younger than 1 year can remain with Mom in the study group.
RegisterPayment Options
The registration fee is $25. You will need to purchase your study guide(s) separately.
Additional donations to Walking With Purpose are welcome and can be included in your amount with your registration payment. These donations help cover the scholarship program for women who may not be able to afford to participate.
Registration is complete once payment is received. We will accept payment through:
If you are already a member of the Nativity Flocknote, but are not receiving updates from WWP, you can join the group by visiting the WWP Flocknote group and clicking the “Join this group” button at the top. If you do not see this button, it means you are already a member!
If you are not a member of the Nativity Flocknote, sign up here. After signing up, you will be taken to the Nativity Parish Flocknote home and asked to select from which Nativity ministry groups you would like to receive updates. Make sure you select the group ‘WWP’.
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