Annual Report & Stewardship

My Dear Parishioners,

During the past seven months of the global virus, compassion, generosity and faith have been the hallmarks of our Nativity parish.  Thank you!!!  Our church remained open for prayer, and our Masses were celebrated live-streamed and in person.  Our outreach to the hungry and those facing financial difficulties increased, and our care for the sick and dying was the highest priority.  For all the struggles that 2020 has brought to the world, I believe this year has given us the unique chance to reflect on what is really important in our lives, like God, family and service.  During this year, we remained strong, we still believed, we did not fold – we stood strong in our faith.

Your sacrificial giving in our offertory is a bond we share in serving our God.  The lives you touch with your generosity are countless.  Keeping our offertory strong in this unique pandemic supports over 1,000 children in our Nativity School and Religious Education Center, Charitable outreach to the poor, Marriage and Family ministry, Adult Faith Formation programs, inspiring liturgies, and paying down our building debt to a current $800,000 balance.

We thank you for giving of yourself in time, talent, and treasure, especially during this difficult time.  Your gift is an important part of how we are able to serve and who we can reach.  Thank you for prayerfully reviewing your offertory for the coming year.  Your intended level of giving will help the Finance Council and Pastoral Council plan for our goals and ministry this next year.  An increase will strengthen all that we do.  We hold you in our prayers with the assurance that God will bless you abundantly for all your goodness.

– Fr. Bob Cilinski

Please pray about what your commitment to our parish will be for the coming year

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