Catholic Resources for Kids & Families

Children's Mass Tools

If you need some help keeping your kids focused and engaged during Mass, or want to prepare for Mass as a family, we have purchased some tools from to help your family!  There are 4 components for every Sunday Mass Prep: a Gospel video, Gospel coloring page, a Mass Quiz with answer key, and a download of all the Gospel Readings for each Sunday in the month.

Other Tips & Encouragement

Children's Sunday Mass Prep

Family Ministry

We have a community for you!  Nativity has a Family Ministry that meets monthly.  You are invited to join us in fellowship—we would love to have you!

We know it can be difficult to bring little ones to Mass… Not only do we want to see your whole family at Mass, but the Church—as a whole—needs it!  Family is an integral part of who we are as a community of Christ’s followers.

Family Ministry

Children's Rosary Ministry

childrens rosary, nativity burkeThe Nativity Children’s Rosary Ministry meets at Nativity every second Saturday of the month at 4:00 pm in the Training Room.

Here are some tips for how to begin teaching Preschoolers how to pray the Rosary (ages 2, 3, 4ish).  ONLY RULE:  No helicopters!  If they spin/swing them, take the Rosary away and try again the next day, week, etc.  (It’s ok to let them wear them as necklaces at this stage)

1.  Untangle your Rosaries 🙂
2.  Use the virtually indestructible plastic Rosaries.  The heavily marketed large wooden Rosaries have too many colors for the purpose of teaching the littlest children.  Be sure that the Our Father Beads are all one color and that the Hail Mary beads are all one color, but *different* than the Our Father beads.
3.  Paint the Glory Be knots with any color of nail polish.
4. Watch Rosary in 2 Minutes video

Identify for them which colors represent each prayer.  Teach them to hold onto the part of the Rosary that corresponds with what you are praying.  So, have them hold the Cross as you begin and recite the Apostle’s Creed.  Then when it comes time for an Our Father, have them identify ANY Our Father bead and hold onto that bead.  It does not have to be in perfect order or sequence.  Then when it comes time for Hail Mary, have your child hold ANY Hail Mary bead.  They see you “walking the beads” but their little hands just can’t do that yet, but they will be mimicking you as best they can.

Children's Rosary Ministry

Dear Nativity Priests

Dear Nativity Priests is an opportunity for children to ask questions of their faith directly to our priests, who will respond to them digitally. The kids can ask any question they want one of our priests to answer.

We will send the priest’s response to your child’s questions within a few weeks of receiving the submission.  Submit an image or PDF file of the handwritten letter to the online form.

Letter Submission

Sensory Mass

Nativity’s Sensory Mass is on the second Sunday of every month at the 1:00 pm Mass, starting in August 2024.

This Mass includes accommodations to help reduce over-stimulation and sensory overload.  The Sensory Mass is open to anyone who wishes to participate, especially anyone with sensory issues.

Learn More

Formed for Kids

FORMED provides the very best Catholic content from more than 60 organizations to help parishes, families and individuals explore their faith anywhere.  Check it out from from your browser, mobile or connected device.

Nativity parishioners can sign up for free.


More for Children at Nativity

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