Order of Christian Initiation for Adults | OCIA

Encounter Jesus through Full Communion with the Catholic Church

We welcome you to Nativity’s Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA—formerly RCIA).  OCIA is the process by which adults learn about the Roman Catholic Church and gradually become full members of the Catholic Church.  Those who wish to become Catholic are received into the Church every year at the the Easter Vigil Mass.  This faith journey deepens one’s personal relationship with Jesus by encountering him through passionate teaching, personal witness, prayer and Eucharistic adoration, lively discussion, and spiritual events.

If you have any questions, please email Linda Loffredo at lindaloffredo@gmail.com

Who is OCIA for?

OCIA is open to those who have not been baptized, Christians baptized in another faith, and baptized Catholics who have not received catechesis for the other Sacraments of Initiation.  RCIA is for those who:

    • Are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church
    • Have never been baptized
    • Have been baptized in another faith and are interested in joining the Catholic Church
    • Are married to a Catholic and attend Mass and want to find out how to join the church
    • Are baptized Catholic but have not received catechesis for the other Sacraments of Initiation
    • Want to understand the faith of a friend or family member
    • Are Catholic and seeking to refresh and deepen their understanding of the faith in order to participate in a more meaningful way

When and Where is OCIA?

The 2024-2025 RCIA year starts September 16, 2024.

When: Mondays | 7:00 pm
Where: Fr. Ready Room

Register Here

What About Children?

RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation of Children) is for children between the ages of 8 and 14 who have completed 2nd grade, whether baptized or unbaptized.  Children preparing to receive the Sacraments they have missed since Baptism, or to join the Catholic Church through Baptism, will attend RCIC classes on a regular basis beginning in September and continuing through the Easter Season, with holiday breaks. Each family comes into the RCIC program with different needs. The children will be of various ages and have had different levels of previous instruction.

Parents/guardians of students in grades K through 12 who have NOT received one of the following sacraments, please contact the Religious Education Office.

    • Baptism
    • First Penance
    • First Communion
    • Confirmation
Contact Religious Education

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